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DA Reaction Synthesis Strategy for Dendrimers

DA Reaction Synthesis Strategy for Dendrimers

As the most efficient chemical click reaction for the synthesis of unsaturated six-membered rings, the Diels-Alder (DA) reaction is stereoselective, atomically economical and efficient. With advanced technology and experienced scientists, CD BioSciences offers you DA reaction synthesis services for dendrimers.

Click Chemistry and DA Reaction

Click chemistry allows for reactions under mild conditions, high yields, and the formation of harmless by-products, greatly facilitating the development of drug delivery systems and biomaterials. Click chemistry has opened new possibilities in polymer chemistry, materials science, nanotechnology, and drug discovery. Click chemistry is the most powerful tool for the synthesis of polymers and dendrimers when applied to the biomedical field. There are many chemical synthesis methods based on click chemistry, such as copper-assisted azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) reaction, thiol-ene and thiol-yene click (TEC/TYC) reactions reaction, etc. CuAAC is one of the most used chemicals click reactions, which achieves almost quantitative conversion in aqueous and organic media and is known as the "the cream of the crop" of click chemistry. However, the potential toxicity of CuAAC is a major issue in the design of drug delivery systems and biomaterials, and in addition, the presence of copper can cause damage to biological macromolecules such as lipids, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, or proteins.

As the most efficient chemical click reaction for the synthesis of unsaturated six-membered rings, the DA reaction is stereoselective, atomically economical and efficient. The DA reaction does not require any metal catalyst, although Lewis acids can accelerate the reaction. In the absence of a catalyst, the DA reaction is still effective at room temperature, only the reaction rate is slowed down. With the rapid development of organic synthetic chemistry, the DA reaction is undoubtedly one of the most useful reactions, and its importance in biological applications, among others, is steadily increasing.

General scheme for the Diels-Alder (DA) reaction.General scheme for the Diels-Alder (DA) reaction. (Arseneault M, et al., 2015)

Advantages of DA Reaction

As one of the most useful reactions in organic synthetic chemistry, the DA reaction has the following advantages.

  • Easy Functionalization,
    Suitable diene-dienophile pairs (e.g., furan and maleimide) are readily available and the target molecule can be easily functionalized with the active molecule.
  • Mild Conditions and No Need for Expensive Solvents
    The materials used for DA reactions are safe and can be done at room temperature. In addition, the DA reaction is extremely fast in water due to both enhanced hydrogen bonding to the activated complexes and the enforced hydrophobic interactions between the reactants.
  • Bioconjugation Reactions
    The DA reaction is a useful bioconjugation reaction with many potential applications.
  • No Purification of the Product is Required
    No catalysts or initiators are needed in the DA reaction process, and no by-products are formed, so there is little need to purify the product.

DA Reaction Synthesis for Dendrimers

Dendrimers are highly branched molecules, unlike star-shaped polymers, which are monodisperse, symmetric spherical compounds with a nanoscale. The large number of functional groups on the surface of dendrimers makes the binding to ligands, dye molecules or pharmaceutically active compounds. Monodisperse dendrimers can be synthesized by either divergent or convergent methods, and in addition, DA reactions have been successfully applied in the synthesis of dendrimers. In most of the methods, DA reactions mainly use the coupling between furan and maleimide to assemble symmetrical, thermally responsive dendrimers. It is worth mentioning that since the DA reaction does not require a metal catalyst, the dendrimers formed do not contain metal impurities.

Our Services

CD BioSciences offers click chemistry-based dendrimer DA reaction synthesis services and guarantee that all deliverables undergo rigorous quality testing to ensure quality and reliability and are delivered on time.

What We Provide

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As a leading global provider of custom services, CD BioSciences has advanced facilities and experienced scientists to synthesize a variety of dendrimers through click chemistry synthesis methods such as CuAAC, TEC/TYC reactions, Diels-Alder (DA) reactions, and other click chemistry-based methods to help our customers advance their downstream applications of dendrimers. If you are interested in our services or have any other questions, please feel free to contact us, we would be happy to hear from you and look forward to working with you.


  1. Arseneault M.; et al. Recent advances in click chemistry applied to dendrimer synthesis. Molecules. 2015, 20: 9263-94.

For research use only. Not for clinical use.