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Dendrimer Structural Analysis Service

Dendrimer Structural Analysis Service

The structure of dendrimers is closely related to the function, which is the basic information of dendrimers. With expertise and sophisticated equipment, CD BioSciences is committed to providing dendrimer characterization services to customers worldwide. Our experienced scientists are confident that we can fulfill your needs for structural analysis of dendrimers, advance the study of dendrimers, accelerate your research on dendrimer projects, and advance their application in the biomedical field.

Factors Affecting The Structure of Dendrimer

The structure of dendrimers in solution can be influenced by ionic strength, pH, temperature, and engineering and is closely related to function. Dendrimers develop through successive generations to produce monodisperse, highly branched dendritic forms. Detailed analysis and complete understanding of the structure of dendrimers facilitates downstream applications. Since the first dendrimer was reported in 1978, research on the synthesis and application of dendrimers has grown exponentially. Dendrimers have unique structural features, including nanoscale size, multifunctional surfaces, and high branching, which make them ideal drug delivery carriers. The structure of dendrimers is influenced by the core, scaffold, and surface conjugated ligands. In turn, the structure of dendrimers affects their surface charge, size, and functionalization.

Technologies for Dendrimer Structural Analysis

Spectroscopic Technologies

  • Mass Spectrometry (MS): As an analytical technique, MS can be used to determine the molecular weight, structural defects, and purity of dendrimers, and it also allows for the confirmation of monomeric assemblies in branches from fragmentation patterns.
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR): As an important technique for the characterization of dendrimers, NMR allows the determination of the kinetic structure of dendritic macromolecules in solution.
  • Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR): EPR is a very powerful tool that can provide unique information for the characterization of dendrimer structures. In addition, by using spin probes, dendrimer structures and their interactions with other molecules such as proteins and drugs can be extensively and precisely analyzed.

Structural representation of dendrimers and metallodendrimers used in the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) study.Structural representation of dendrimers and metallodendrimers used in the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) study. (Carloni R, et al., 2019)

  • Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Fluorescence spectroscopy can be used to determine not only the size and shape of dendrimers, but also valuable information about their interactions with drugs.
  • Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy: Infrared and Raman spectroscopy can be used for routine analysis during the synthesis of dendritic macromolecules, providing precise information on the nanoscale structure of dendrimers.

Scattering Technologies: Scattering techniques including small angle neutron scattering (SANS), quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS), small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) are essential for dendrimer characterization assays and can be used to determine the structure, conformation, shape, and kinetic characteristics of dendrimers.

Microscopic Technologies: This includes atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) for precise analysis of dendrimer structures.

Our Services

As a fast-growing biotechnology company, CD BioSciences has advanced technology and sophisticated equipment dedicated to providing dendrimer structural analysis services to clients worldwide. Our experienced scientists offer you the following technologies for dendrimer structural analysis and deliver rigorously tested results with fast turnaround times.

  • Spectroscopic Technologies for Dendrimer Structural Analysis
    CD BioSciences
    offers you a wide range of methods on spectroscopic and spectrometric-based methods such as MS, NMR and EPR for dendrimer structural analysis.
  • Scattering Technologies for Dendrimer Structural Analysis
    In terms of analyzing dendrimer structures using advanced scattering techniques, CD BioSciences offers services including SANS analysis and DLS analysis that will meet each of your specific needs.
  • Microscopic Technologies for Dendrimer Structural Analysis
    Sophisticated microscopes (including AFM and STM, etc.) help you with your different needs for dendrimer structural analysis.

Service Process

Service Process

Want to Learn More?

As a trusted CRO, CD BioSciences provides innovative dendrimer products and high-quality, hassle-free, cost-effective custom services to customers worldwide. With experienced scientists and world-class equipment, we are confident that we can meet each one of your specific needs. If you are interested in our services or have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Carloni R.; et al. Exploring the Interactions of Ruthenium (II) Carbosilane Metallodendrimers and Precursors with Model Cell Membranes through a Dual Spin-Label Spin-Probe Technique Using EPR. Biomolecules. Biomolecules.2019, 9: 540.

For research use only. Not for clinical use.