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Dendrimer Hydrogel Synthesis Service

Dendrimer Hydrogel Synthesis Service

Dendrimer hydrogels are a type of hydrogel that is synthesized using dendrimers as building blocks. The use of dendrimers in hydrogel synthesis provides several advantages over conventional hydrogels, including high water content, biocompatibility, and tunable mechanical properties. CD BioSciences offers an excellent platform for the generation of dendrimer hydrogels based on powerful and innovative technologies in organic chemistry. Our dedicated experts are able to help our customers overcome the difficulties of their research projects and meet each specific need.

Biomedical Applications of Dendrimer Hydrogels

Dendrimer hydrogels have attracted significant interest in biomedical applications due to their unique properties, such as high-water content, biocompatibility, and tunable mechanical properties. These hydrogels can be used in drug delivery, tissue engineering, and wound healing applications.

Drug Delivery

  • Drug Delivery

In drug delivery, dendrimer hydrogels can encapsulate drugs within their three-dimensional network and release them in a controlled manner over time. The hydrophilic nature of dendrimers allows for high drug loading and the ability to deliver both hydrophobic and hydrophilic drugs. Additionally, the size and shape of dendrimers can be controlled, allowing for precise tuning of the drug release rate.

  • Tissue Engineering

In tissue engineering, dendrimer hydrogels can mimic the extracellular matrix (ECM) and support cell growth and proliferation. The three-dimensional structure of the hydrogel provides a scaffold for cells to attach and grow, while the hydrophilic nature of dendrimers promotes cell adhesion and proliferation. Furthermore, the mechanical properties of the hydrogel can be tuned to match those of the native tissue, allowing for better integration of the implanted scaffold with the surrounding tissue.

Tissue Engineering

Wound Healing

  • Wound Healing

In wound healing, dendrimer hydrogels can provide a moist environment that promotes healing and prevents infection. The hydrogel can also be loaded with growth factors or antimicrobial agents to enhance the healing process. The tunable mechanical properties of the hydrogel can also provide mechanical support to the wound and aid in tissue regeneration.

Synthesis of Dendrimer Hydrogels

The synthesis of dendrimer hydrogels can be achieved by various methods, the choice of synthesis method depends on the properties of the dendritic polymer, the cross-linking agent, and the desired hydrogel properties. The following methods are included.

  • Michael Addition
    This method involves the reaction of dendrimers with a bifunctional crosslinking agent such as N,N'-methylenebisacrylamide (MBAA) or poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) in the presence of a catalyst. The reaction occurs via the addition of thiol or amine groups on dendrimers to the double bond of the crosslinking agent, resulting in the formation of a crosslinked network.
  • Click Chemistry
    This method involves the reaction of azide-functionalized dendrimers with alkyne-functionalized crosslinking agents using a copper catalyst. The reaction occurs via the copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) reaction, resulting in the formation of a dendrimer hydrogel.
  • Radical Polymerization
    This method involves the free-radical polymerization of dendrimers in the presence of a crosslinking agent such as divinylbenzene (DVB) or PEGDA. The reaction occurs via the initiation of the polymerization reaction using a suitable initiator, resulting in the formation of a crosslinked network.
  • Self-assembly
    This method involves the spontaneous assembly of dendrimers into a hydrogel network through non-covalent interactions such as hydrogen bonding, electrostatic interactions, or hydrophobic interactions.

PAMAM dendrimer-Albumin nanoparticle nano-assembly for delivery of paclitaxel.Schematic description of the hydrogel from AGPR and PEG-LA-DA. (Wang Y, et al., 2014)

Our Services

As a rapidly growing custom service provider, CD BioSciences is dedicated to providing customers worldwide with multiple approaches to synthesize dendrimer hydrogels to help them develop advanced biomaterials with potential for photodischarge biomedical applications. We leverage our organic chemistry expertise and advanced technology platforms to meet your diverse needs.

Why Choose CD BioSciences?

Extensive Experience

Extensive Experience

Flexible Approach

Flexible Approach

Fast Turnaround

Fast Turnaround

Quality Guarantee

Quality Guarantee

Want to Learn More?

At CD BioSciences provides high quality custom services for the synthesis of different types of dendrimers. Our experienced scientists are confident to help our customers solve all problems encountered in their dendrimer projects in order to advance their wide range of applications in the biomedical field. In addition, we have an innovative range of dendrimer products, so please feel free to contact us if you are interested in our services or have any additional questions. We look forward to working with you on your attractive projects.


  1. Wang Y, et al., A novel poly(amido amine)-dendrimer-based hydrogel as a mimic for the extracellular matrix. Adv Mater. 2014, 26: 4163-7.

For research use only. Not for clinical use.