Cell Signaling Pathway Reporter Screening - CD BioSciences


Cell Signaling Pathway Reporter Screening

Cell Signaling Pathway Reporter Screening

Signaling pathways regulate cellular processes, such as apoptosis, inflammation, metabolism and angiogenesis. Dysregulations of signaling-transduction pathways lead to malfunction of those processes and result in pathological or disease states.

To have a better understanding of the regulation of signaling pathways and find potential drugs or treatments for diseases, CD BioSciences offers well-established cell-based reporter assays to evaluate the impact of therapeutics or gene manipulations in signaling pathways.

Cells and viruses

Screening Options

  • Personalized Screening
  • With access to a growing menu of reporters for monitoring cell signaling events, we screen chemical compounds, RNAi libraries or CRISPR sgRNA libraries against the signaling pathway reporters upon your requests.

  • Quantitative Measurements
  • With a 10-point dose-response curve performed in duplicate, we will determine agonist half maximal effective concentrations (EC50) and antagonist half maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC50) upon your request.

  • Profiling across Multiple Signaling Pathways
  • With a comprehensive signaling pathway reporter assay service portfolio, we provide quick profiling of compounds or gene modifications across multiple signaling pathways to gain insight into mechanisms of their response to compound treatment or gene manipulation.

List of Signaling Pathway Reporters

CD BioSciences has developed a large set of signaling pathway reporters for monitoring the cellular signaling events involved in cell growth, metabolism, ER stress, immune response, etc.

Reporter Pathway/Application
AP1 SAPK/JNK Signaling Pathway
ARE Nrf2 Antioxidant Pathway
CREB/CRE cAMP/PKA Signaling Pathway
FOXO PI3K/AKT Signaling Pathway
GAS IFNγ Signaling Pathway;
JAK/STAT1 Signaling Pathway
Gli Hedgehog Signaling Pathway
GR-GAL4 Glucocorticoid Signaling Pathway
ISRE JAK/STAT Signaling Pathway;
IFNα Signaling Pathway
Myc Myc Signaling Pathway
NF-κB NF-κB Signaling Pathway;
RANKL/RANK Signaling Pathway
NFAT PKC/ Ca2+ Signaling Pathway;
Immune Checkpoint
Notch1/CSL Notch Signaling Pathway
PAI-1 TGF-β Signaling Pathway
RARα RARα-regulated Pathway
RARβ RARβ-regulated Pathway
RARγ RARγ-regulated Pathway
SBE TGF/SMAD Signaling Pathway
SRE MAPK/ERK Signaling Pathway
STAT3 STAT3 Signaling Pathway
STAT5 STAT5 Signaling Pathway
TCF/LEF Wnt/β-catenin Signaling Pathway
TEAD Hippo Signaling Pathway
TrkA/SRE NGF/TrkA Signaling Pathway
XBP1 ER Stress & UPR

Advantages of Our Signaling Pathway Reporter Assays

  • Versatile Applications
  • Our cell lines are not only suitable for screening chemical compounds, but also can be used to build assays specific for RNAi or CRISPR screening to identify novel regulators of the signaling pathways.

  • Drugs Targeting Multiple Signaling Pathways
  • Our service provides a chance to develop drugs targeting multiple signaling pathways simultaneously.

  • Comprehensive Understanding
  • Evaluating both receptor-proximal and receptor-distal responses for a comprehensive understanding of the drug molecule's mechanism of action.


CD BioSciences offers cost-effect, high quality and hassle-free cell signaling pathway reporter screening services to our clients worldwide. We guarantee to deliver our results on time. Please feel free to contact us.

For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

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